Why write a blog? Everyone I know would ask me … ”don’t you have enough to do”? So I had to think long and hard about “why” I wanted to do this? And how to make my blog meaningful. The idea to share stories about leadership and coaching have been on my mind for a long time, yet I never took to time to do it, so I have finally decided to act.
One of my favorite leadership books is Start with Why by Simon Sinek (2009). As I explored why I wanted to write a leadership blog, this book came to mind and it inspired me to clearly articulate why I chose to write this blog, explain the purpose, and why anyone should care about what I have to say.
I believe that if I do a good job explaining why I chose to do this, then I will inspire my readers and influence them to continue reading and strive to be stronger and more successful leaders. As Sinek says in his book “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it“ (Sinek, 2009, p. 41).
My motive to write this blog is to inspire and motivate readers to expand their understanding of leadership behaviors and practices, and share some of my experience, wisdom, advise and guidance.
In my next post I will talk more about the name of my blog, “why” I named my blog the Leadership Coaching Diet?